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Tuesday, Feb 19th, 2013



On Tuesday, February 19, artist and Armory faculty member Sandy Lerman will be talking about Ana Mendieta, the Cuban American performance artist, sculptor, painter and video artist who is best known for her "earth-body" art work. Mendieta’s brief life mirrored the political and social upheaval of the 1960's, 70's and 80's both in Cuba and in the United States. Her work was generally autobiographical and focused on themes that included feminism, violence, life, death, place and belonging. It often focused on a spiritual and physical connection with the Earth. We will also discuss Ana's tragic death in 1985, and how it reflected divisions in the art world and in society at that time. We'll be continuing our discussion of the role that personal experience plays in contemporary art, and some of the many ways this is expressed.
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